First of all, to be able to shoot effectively in Close Quarter Battle [CQB] you need to have plenty of experience and training to be able to shoot by reflex only, in other words instinctively.
Instinctive shooting is not to be confused for shooting without sights. It is more of reaching point of repeat action that the action becomes part of your reflexes or natural so to speak.
Since CQB is exactly what the synonym implies, close-quarters-battle, you will engage the enemy in extremely quick paced actions inside or in vicinity of buildings that offer awkward shooting situations to say at least. These situations call for completely different shooting techniques than what you would use normally at outdoors.
”Corner Lever”In tightly spaced corners where available space does not allow use of angular search method, employ ”corner lever” technique. In this technique you will hold your weapon horizontally instead of traditional vertical style. Now, stop your movement just before the angle allows you to see behind the corner. Bend your torso so that you can lower your head and arms just enough to see behind the corner. All the time your weapon is horizontally aimed towards and behind that corner.
Corner lever technique with carbine Same with pistol
”Corner Position”
Tucking yourself against corner for protection is natural, but can be a bad idea. The enemy will naturally expect you to take cover behind corner and will be first to cover it. Additionally, anyone shooting at you can take out you with simple ricochets of the very same wall that is covering you. Instead put yourself several meters behind the corner and use variation of the ”corner lever” technique to expose yourself only minimally.
This technique works best when there is only one approach route. If the enemy has multiple approach routes and wide angle to see towards that corner then traditional method is obviously better since you can pull behind the protecting wall faster.
Traditional New corner technique
Electronic Dot Sight
These are great tools for CQB shooting and so briefly covered here.
The way to use electronic dot sights (a.k.a. ”red dot sights”) is to look throught the sight with both eyes open and your brain will automatically adjust the sight picture correctly. The great thing about dot sights for CQB is the speed and precision of target acqusition. Normally you would have to aim at target with iron sights and because of the fast-paced combat of CQB your aim would be much less than ideal (there is no time to fuzz about with absolutely correct sight pictures etc.). In case of properly installed and adjusted dot sight you just pull the trigger when the dot is swifted ”on top” of the enemy.
Using dot sight also allows you better situational awareness as you are keeping your both eyes open all the time plus you get extremely big sight itself.
note: this article originally taken from here