To prepare you to what kind of people you will encounter in airsoft game field here is quick recognition guide (no offense meant or to be taken :D )
Teen newbie a.k.a “n00b“: Highly motivated, although might lack cohesion and understanding of the big picture.
Adult newbie: Fascinated or just curious about the guns and game. He or she might except the big guns to shoot through the tree. Might play just once or get hooked for good.
MilSim fan: Propped to the max, might be idealistic about airsoft – watch what you say.
Serious MilSim: Besides propping, he is dead serious about rules. “No hi-cap magazines!” – avoid ruining his ambush with your noisy hi-capacity magazines. Serious milsim guys might ask you to load only 30 rounds to the normal mags (or less).
For the game: He is counting every elimination. He gets kick out of the every “kill” before it comes routine to him. He likes to fight hard. He likes to compete. And most of all, he likes to win.
Not all of them are good losers, thought....
For the fun (hangarounds) : Out there to have good time. Could be one of the hang-around members of the team.
Real military : Although not often seen, he usually takes time to adjust from military training to ‘reality of airsoft combat’.
Hardcore : Long-timer with plenty of knowledge about everything in airsoft. He might be or be not involved in so called “airsoft politics”.
Wannabe airsmith: This guy thinks he knows everything there is to know about airsoft guns — by reading forums, tinkering with his own guns and quite possibly even with some unfortunate buddies of his. You might want to think twice if he offers to upgrade your gun. It is easy to get into furious debate with him about upgrading guns; he is often die-hard of his own beliefs.
Airsmith: Has accumulated proper knowledge of airsmith skills through training, experience and persistent testing. The trick is to recognize him from the wannabes.
So.. what kindda players are you?
note : this articles taken from www.renegaderecon.com